Rock Star Bathroom Politics – Gig Gab 156Have you ever peed next to a rock star? How about a former Vice President? Dave has peed next to both Dave Grohl and Al Gore, and for some reason Paul gets him to tell those stories perfectly in the context of your normally-scheduled Gig Gab. Guess which one has tighter security? You’ll have to listen to find out.

Also, Dave shares a few SXSW stories from the past as he prepares to head to Austin next week to attend the conference again. Then it’s on to discussion about how to market your band and get attention from the right people.

After that, your two favorite weekend warriors move on to discussing just how to prepare for a gig where you don’t know any of the tunes… and how to make it through those gigs, too! All this and more… that’s how you know it’s Gig Gab!

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