piano-music-moneyToday Paul and Dave answer listener Patrick, who asks, “is it too late to make a living playing music?” As Weekend Warriors, this is an interesting concept to consider, and likely one that everyone has thought of at least once. Listen to what Paul and Dave have to say… then send in your own feedback about this.

To start the show, it’s gig talk. Dave discusses how Paul jinxed him with GigGab 67’s discussion about people behaving badly. Then it’s on to making yourself feel happy and relaxed on stage… and how the dark art of sound can have such a huge influence on that!

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1 Comment

Mark · June 16, 2016 at 6:38 am EDT

Hi Paul & Dave, just wanted to get additional info on this topic. I plan on joining a band and though I’m not looking to make it my only source of income, but I would like to make decent money. When you say that getting paid $100 per man is minimum and $300 is good money, is that payment for playing bars and night clubs?? What if you’re playing a 500 seat venue and you sell out is it still only $100-$300 per man or do you get a percentage of the ticket sales? Thanks


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