When you’re in a band, there are some things you can polish quickly and some things that take time. Focus is one of the former, and Paul and Dave talk through just how important it is to them. Then it’s on to the talk about both commitment and playing in multiple bands. Let’s just say there are some subjects in this episode upon which Paul and Dave agree … and some where they don’t. Listen and find out which is which!

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Johnnie D · April 11, 2016 at 4:13 pm EDT

So, I lean toward Dave’s take on the multi-band side of the conversation. I certainly want the best product on stage, but as long as my fill in musician and I have chemistry, we’re good to go. This would be a trusted friend or an overall cool guy , not some random I met in the parking lot.

The original Chafed product (The first 7 years) was 45 songs, rehearsed to death, couldn’t play without all of us. It was great for a while, but began to build contempt. Current Chafed (The last 7 years) has been carefree and wild and I love the guys I’m playing with. We use fill ins all the time and it’s great. Hard to tell a difference from gig to gig with different players.

Every single member of the Chafed lineup plays in at least one other project. (Some 3 or 4) I couldn’t fathom asking them or them asking me, to be monogamous, as Dave put it.

All of us, just want to play and we’re good enough to jump in with others when asked. I think the difference is, we don’t take ourselves too seriously.

Keep rockin’. Love the show.
Johnnie D

    Paul Kent · April 11, 2016 at 5:54 pm EDT

    Hey Johnnie D – thanks for the note. I totally get it. Many musicians want to prioritize flexibility and creative options. As a leader, my first priority is to put the best show on stage for those who hire / listen to us at all times. Our shows have lots of interaction, spontaneity, rehearsed engagement, and our songs have lots of stops, left turns – things that require familiarity and rehearsal. When we add or replace a player to the Houserockers, I always am very clear what the commitment expectation is: I’m out there all the time looking for good gigs for us, the expectation is for a band member to be available. Roughly the expectation is that people should not book other gigs until a 30 day window. To me it’s not about taking ourselves too seriously….more about commitment to consistency that if someone is going to come see us, they know the band they will see when they arrive. I have had this “discussion” (polite) with many musicians who just don’t see eye to eye with me on this. My feeling is – if you want more gigs and better gigs – the best path is to have a really great group and put all your effort into that. A whole team working in the same direction for the same cause. It’s self defeating to that end if you play in multiple groups and on any given night one of those groups is “less” because it’s subbed out. You never know who will be in the audience that could lead to a great gig. Of course – the leader has got to be committed to getting enough gigs to make asking that commitment worthwhile.

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