Industry trade show mayhem time is upon us, and it appears that not even a pandemic can stop that particular freight train. The good news is that it fuels up a heckuva Gear Gab episode, with lots of stuff for your two favorite weekend warriors to share. Listen as Paul and Dave talk about some gear they’ve tested and some they’d like to test, as well as some anecdotes that spring from such geeky conversations. Press play, enjoy, then send in your favorite gear to [email protected].

Categories: Podcast Episode


Johnnie D · January 18, 2021 at 4:26 pm EST

I too picked up a Spark! Love it. Also picked up a Boss ACS Pro. Great acoustic amp, love it as much as I love the Spark.

Love the show. Keep Rockin!

    Dave Hamilton · January 21, 2021 at 9:01 am EST

    Oh wow… that ACS Pro looks awesome. Two channels, built-in looper, feedback protection, vox harmonies… nice all-in-one unit. Wow!

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