In this week’s Gig Gab podcast, guest co-host Dan East joins Dave Hamilton as they dive into a rich discussion tailored for musicians and performance artists. The episode opens with Dan sharing his expert planning strategies for the upcoming NAMM show. He provides valuable insights on how to navigate such large-scale events, emphasizing the importance of goal-setting and strategic networking to make the most out of these gatherings.

The conversation takes a playful turn with the (new?) segment “Grub Gab”, a nod to the often-overlooked aspect of gigging – the food musicians end up eating. Here, Dave and Dan exchange anecdotes and tips about maintaining a healthy diet and finding quality food amidst the hectic schedules on performance days. They highlight how food choices can impact energy levels and performance quality, adding a unique and practical dimension to the life of a performing artist.

Throughout the episode, the theme of “Always Be Performing” resonates, reminding listeners that a musician’s performance isn’t just about the time spent on stage. It encompasses everything from preparation for industry events like NAMM to managing nutritional needs on the road. This holistic approach to a musician’s life, as shared by Dave and Dan, offers invaluable insights into balancing the demands of creativity, health, and professional growth in the ever-evolving world of music.

Press play … and enjoy!


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